Archive for the '' Category is dead, long live smushing

Apr 6th, 2015

Looks like Yahoo! stopped maintaining the image optimization service called So people have been asking questions on the mailing list. I don’t have any inside information from Yahoo about the service, or whether it will be back up again. But let me try to answer some of the questions. History: quick refresher Nicole and […]


Command-line CSS spriting

Feb 19th, 2011

(In Russian) OK, CSS sprite tools exist. I’m pretty confident I actually made the very first one 🙂 But they break from time to time (like mine currently). And then the command line is cool (as opposed to scary) and oh-so-quick. And imagemagick is cool and oh-so-powerful. So let’s see how we can create CSS […]


Image optimization – in Chinese

Jan 8th, 2009

Thanks to Joseph Jiang who translated in Chinese parts of my image optimization articles from the YUI blog If you read Chinese, visit


Installing ExifTool on Dreamhost

Dec 23rd, 2008

ExifTool looks like a very promising tool to fiddle with all sorts of JPEG metadata (needed for but first I had to make sure I can install it on Dreamhost. Although installation didn’t go as described on the exiftool site (since I don’t have sudo access on Dreamhost), it’s still installable and it’s actually […]


php|works Atlanta

Nov 13th, 2008

Thanks to everyone who attended my image optimization talk at the php|works + PyWorks conference in Atlanta. And thanks for all the questions! I love questions, feels more natural – just geeks talking to geeks – as opposed to one guy sitting on a podium and talking. And the slides: Image Optimization for the Web […] update

Oct 26th, 2008

What’s new in The old domain now redirects to the new one, which is what we originally intended but the domain registration took a while and we quickly got just in time for the Ajax Experience announcement of the tool There’s a bookmarklet version of the Firefox extension so you can […] presentations

Oct 5th, 2008 is getting more and more buzz all over the internets. Now there’s even a song about it! Me and Nicole are pretty busy answering email, but a little slow to document the thing, I though I should at least shed some light on how the tool works by using some of the presentations. What […] is a smash hit

Oct 2nd, 2008

Since me and Nicole announced yesterday at Ajax Experience and thanks to Christian Heilmann posting it on Ajaxian and Yahoo Developer Network, this thing seems to have exploded! It’s all over the blogosphere, twitter-sphere and every other sphere. BTW, Chris never seizes to amaze – he posted the video on Ajaxian at 11:01 am […]