
October 26th, 2008. Tagged: images, JavaScript,

What's new in

  • The old domain now redirects to the new one, which is what we originally intended but the domain registration took a while and we quickly got just in time for the Ajax Experience announcement of the tool
  • There's a bookmarklet version of the Firefox extension so you can now run in IE or any other browser capable of bookmarking
  • There's an FAQ
  • The API, while not really documented, is at least described in the FAQ
  • So is the privacy policy. People said we should have privacy policy, we're not lawyers, so we couldn't write something that sounds important. The policy is basically: 1) we won't use the images you upload in any way other than gathering aggregated optimization statistics (how much we save on average, how many files get smushed daily...). 2) Images will be deleted from the server, once we get around to writing some sort of stats script, so download the optimized zip asap, don't rely on it being there for long. 3) The images you upload are available to anyone who can guess the random URL creates, so don't upload images you want to keep private
  • Flash 10 support, updated to YUI 2.6's flash uploader and sweated a lot to make the uploader work in the tightened flash 10 security, but that's a whole other blog post
  • Smu contest! What's a Smu? We want to know too. Send us you idea of a Smu to smu at

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