Archive for the 'speaking' Category

f8 2015

Mar 31st, 2015

So I spoke at Facebook’s F8 in San Francisco last week. Actually my teammate Varun spoke mostly, I just interrupted a few times. Among other things we announced a new plugin – the embedded video player, so now you can embed any public FB video on your site. And, how meta!, below is a video […]



Sep 22nd, 2013

On my way to NYC for Edge conference and NYC Web perf meetup. Some slides and RSVP links inside.


In Public

Jul 26th, 2012

Update: + WebPerfSummit Update 2: + SydJS, + Anaconda Limo@Molly Malone’s, + qCon confirmed, + fix *some* Portuguese spelling After a year or two with almost no public appearance (with an exception or a few) I’ve lined up a bunch of talks till the end of the year. I hope I’ll see you soon! […]


HTTPWatch automation with JavaScript

Apr 10th, 2011

Background HTTPWatch (automation) …with PHP (and again and again, and response) JavaScript shell scripting I gave this short presentation at the recent Yahoo FE summit’s open mic, here are the slides and some notes. Slides and screencast vid JavaScript shell scripting View more presentations from Stoyan Stefanov Screencast to see the thing in motion: Notes […]


Ignite Velocity: Image Weight Loss Clinic

Sep 2nd, 2009

A few months ago I gave a 5 minute Ignite talk at the Velocity conference. (My previous post talks about the Ignite experience.) I thought they recorded the video and wanted to share but seems like it’s not happening. So below are the slides from slideshare. The ignite talk rules are: 20 slides that change […]


Giving an Ignite talk

Sep 2nd, 2009

I was asked to give feedback on what it’s like to give an ignite talk (for Scott Berkun’s new book) and I thought why not share in a blog post. I gave an ignite talk at this year’s Velocity conference and it was a wonderful experience. I don’t think the video was ever released so […]


Slides from JSConf

Apr 28th, 2009

I’m back from the most excellent JSConf (JavaScript Conference) in Washington D.C. I’m tired and need sleep but the conference was, hands down, the best conference I’ve ever attended. It was all about the community, it was inexpensive, with parties all around, both speakers and attendees were treated exceptionally well, in fact there wasn’t a […]


php|works Atlanta

Nov 13th, 2008

Thanks to everyone who attended my image optimization talk at the php|works + PyWorks conference in Atlanta. And thanks for all the questions! I love questions, feels more natural – just geeks talking to geeks – as opposed to one guy sitting on a podium and talking. And the slides: Image Optimization for the Web […]