Content-to-markup ratio bookmarklet

Mar 5th, 2009

When you care about performance, or SEO (or just doing a good job as web dev) an interesting data point is the ratio of page content vs. the markup used to present this content. Or… how much crap we put in HTML in order to present what the users want to see – the content. […]


Replace the Home button with a script

Mar 3rd, 2009

Robert Ames commented on my previous post suggesting replacing the Home button with my little site search bookmarklet. I didn’t even know this was possible, but I found it pretty cool, so I just had to try. x-browser I tried this in Firefox/Mac and IE/Windows and it works just fine. ok, what is it? Well, […]


Search site bookmarklet with YUI and BOSS

Feb 21st, 2009

Ever wanted to search only the web site you’re currently on? Not the page, but the whole site. And only this site, not the rest of the web. This bookmarklet does just that. Install Right-click this link and add to your bookmarks/favorites. Or just drag to your bookmarks toolbar. search site Or if you don’t […]


Short Amazon affiliate links – a bookmarklet

Oct 19th, 2008

It’s a pain to link to a specific product on Amazon if you have to use their UI to build an affiliate link. It’s good to have nice, clean and short affiliate links. This post gives you the details and also a bookmarklet to built the links by visiting the product page you want to […]