Top 5 reasons to send your resume to Yahoo! Search today

May 19th, 2010

Disclaimer: I work for Yahoo! Search. But I speak for myself. All opinions on my blog, twitter… yada-yada… are not necessarily those of my employer. They could be, but they may not be. They might have been but may no longer be. They might have never been, but maybe, baby, someday they might become. So […]


10 more search results

May 14th, 2010

Thought I should share a fun little greasemonkey script that puts twitter-like MORE button (hm, maybe should’ve named it MOAR 🙂 ) at the end of the Yahoo search results. Clicking the button gives you 10 more results without a page refresh. Neat. Download: and a 39 seconds demo…


Start wearing purple

Dec 2nd, 2008

Today was officially my first day at my new job at in Yahoo! Search. In the spirit of less-is-more I’m stepping out of the position of improving the performance of all Yahoo’s sites worldwide to improving the performance of just one Yahoo! Search – in the US first, then maybe helping globally. I’m excited by […]


Advertising and privacy

Aug 9th, 2008

We now have an option to opt-out of advertising cookies that track your behaviour: Google’s opt out page Yahoo’s


Yahoo Music API

Aug 7th, 2008

This was meant to be a longer posts with examples and such, but Jim Bumgardner said it and coded it better than I could 🙂 He’s been with Y!Music way longer than me and has done way cooler stuff. As a front-end engineer for Yahoo! Music, I’ve always thought it would great if the web […]