The European Tour 2010

Oct 2nd, 2010

So it’s been pretty quiet around here. I’m still alive and very much so. Just awfully busy. Bulgaria I took a long trip in Bulgaria. About 1 month and 20 days. Including the traditional around-Bulgaria let’s-get-drunk-in-different-cities-every-day tour de force with the gang. With unusual amount of guitar playing this time. Not all fun and roses, […]


JavaScript JS Array Documentation (#jsonf, #promotejs)

Sep 26th, 2010

Join me in the initiative to promote proper JavaScript documentation from MDC. It’s embarrassing the quality of links that pop up in search engines when searching JavaScript general questions. Let’s help connect newcomers to JavaScript with better reading. will give you a unique code.


Slides from JSConf

Apr 28th, 2009

I’m back from the most excellent JSConf (JavaScript Conference) in Washington D.C. I’m tired and need sleep but the conference was, hands down, the best conference I’ve ever attended. It was all about the community, it was inexpensive, with parties all around, both speakers and attendees were treated exceptionally well, in fact there wasn’t a […]