JavaScript JS Array Documentation (#jsonf, #promotejs)

Sep 26th, 2010

Join me in the initiative to promote proper JavaScript documentation from MDC. It’s embarrassing the quality of links that pop up in search engines when searching JavaScript general questions. Let’s help connect newcomers to JavaScript with better reading. will give you a unique code.


Duplicates and near-duplicates

Dec 9th, 2009

2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved Dec 9 This post is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Stay tuned for the next articles. One of Yahoo!’s first batch of performance best practices has always been “Avoid duplicate scripts” (check Steve Souders’ post). Later we added “… and styles”. This […]


Statsy – more data points for markup quality

Nov 30th, 2009

In the spirit of the content-to-markup ratio bookmarklet, here’s another one that gives you some more data points to help you judge the quality of a page’s markup and help answer the old question – where does all this page weight go. Install the statsy bookmarklet Drag this link to your bookmarks: statsy the results […]


CSS munging – a FAILed experiment

Oct 3rd, 2009

Not sure if I’ve ever put that in writing, but CSS irks me with its verboseness. I mean things like: background-position, padding-bottom, text-decoration… those are long property names, repeatedly used in stylesheets. And there’s pretty much nothing you can do about them in terms of minification, it’s not like they are variables in JavaScript which […]


The art and craft of postload preloads

Aug 27th, 2009

What can your tired old page, once loaded and used and read, can do for your user? It can preload components needed by the next page, so when the users visit the next page, they have the new scripts, styles and images already in the cache. Next page loads faster and the user’s happy. On […]