15 minutes could save you…

May 17th, 2010

Since I have a ton of things to do, I decided it was about time to spend some time with this blog, performance optimization-wise. Not do anything special, just the bare minimum, the no-brainer, works-every-time, easy stuff. And I’m quite happy with the results. I only looked at the homepage, although the results will be […]


Flipity flop – mmm.phpied.com

Nov 19th, 2009

Randomly browsing something on the iPhone it occurred to me that people could prefix their mobile sites with “mmm” instead of “m” or “i”, as in mmm.mysite.tld. It’s longer, true, but I don’t think it will take longer to type three m’s instead of one. And it’s funny – mmm, it’s like www. Only… flipped. […]


Test post from YQL

Jul 9th, 2009

It works! I can post from YQL — Update: The post above was a test posting from YQL. This is pretty cool! YQL (Yahoo Query Language) lets you do SELECTs from any service on the web. Actually doesn’t need to be a service, can be HTML (yes, scraping) or even plain text. Anything is data. […]


OpenSearch-enabling your blog

Jan 30th, 2009

Have you noticed when you visit some sites, there’s a bluish glow in the search engine field in Firefox. Like this: What does that even mean? Well, it means you can add this site’s search to the drop down list of search engines. This functionality is following the open search standard. The things are actually […]