The performance business pitch

Dec 24th, 2009

2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved Dec 24 This post is the last article in the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. The idea for this post actually came from the awesome Jeremy Hubert. I met him after a tech talk at Yahoo! I co-delivered and we talked about the presentation. The […]


Ignite Velocity: Image Weight Loss Clinic

Sep 2nd, 2009

A few months ago I gave a 5 minute Ignite talk at the Velocity conference. (My previous post talks about the Ignite experience.) I thought they recorded the video and wanted to share but seems like it’s not happening. So below are the slides from slideshare. The ignite talk rules are: 20 slides that change […]


“Don’t make me wait” – slides from my eBay tech talk

Aug 19th, 2009

Here are the slides from a tech talk I gave at eBay last week, I called it “Don’t make me wait! or how to build high-performance web apps”, inspired by, you guessed it, the excellent book “Don’t make me think” by Steve Krug. There’s some intimate details on YSlow’s scoring algo towards the end and […] presentations

Oct 5th, 2008 is getting more and more buzz all over the internets. Now there’s even a song about it! Me and Nicole are pretty busy answering email, but a little slow to document the thing, I though I should at least shed some light on how the tool works by using some of the presentations. What […]