CSS minifiers comparison

Oct 30th, 2010

Last year I compared some CSS minifiers, namely YUICompressor, CSSTidy (with “small” vs. “safe” settings), PHP PEAR’s CSS lib and Minify (detailed results). Now that I’ve done some work on the YUICompressor and since there’s a new kid on the block from Microsoft I thought I should give it another go. I only compared CSSTidy […]


YUI CSS min – part 3 – hacks

May 21st, 2010

The previous parts are here (building and testing) and here (what gets minified). Now let’s see how YUI CSS min handles CSS hacks. As you know CSS hacks often use errors in CSS parsers in browsers to target specific browser versions and supply additional rules to work around other issues in said browsers. That makes […]


YUICompressor’s CSSMin

Mar 10th, 2010

Honored to be a part of the YUI project, I am now helping with the maintenance of the CSSMin part of the YUICompressor. My changes are now part of the trunk on github, so I’m official. Next on the agenda is documenting the thing, so that’s what I’ll try to do here, maybe in a […]


One-click Minifier Gadget (OMG) – initial checkin

Jan 31st, 2010

So I’ve been thinking and talking to folks about this idea of having one-stop shop for all your minification needs. Minification of JS and CSS as well as image optimization helps site performance by reducing download sizes. This is good. But not a lot of people do it. People don’t do it, because it’s a […]


Reducing the payload: compression, minification, 204s

Dec 11th, 2009

2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved Dec 11 This post is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Stay tuned for the next articles. After removing all the extra HTTP requests you possibly can from your waterfall, it’s time to make sure that those that are left are as small […]


CSS munging – a FAILed experiment

Oct 3rd, 2009

Not sure if I’ve ever put that in writing, but CSS irks me with its verboseness. I mean things like: background-position, padding-bottom, text-decoration… those are long property names, repeatedly used in stylesheets. And there’s pretty much nothing you can do about them in terms of minification, it’s not like they are variables in JavaScript which […]



Sep 23rd, 2009

cssmin.js is a JavaScript port of YUICompressor’s CSS minifier. The motivation Minifying CSS helps reduce file sizes and makes your pages faster and your users happier. YUICompressor is cool but is written in Java, which can be a blocker for some folks – you know JVM, command line, classpaths… No more excuses, now you have […]


Sorting CSS to reduce gzip file sizes?

Sep 2nd, 2009

Yesterday I came across this post (via Ajaxian), it talks about how you might be able to end up with smaller file sizes (after gzipping) if you help gzip a little bit by sorting the CSS properties and values in stylesheets, so they are as similar and close to each other as possible. Now obviously […]