Performance tools

Dec 2nd, 2009

2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved Dec 2 This is the second in the series of performance articles as part of my 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Stay tuned for the next articles. While theoretically you can speed up your site by just blindly following advice from this blog and other […]


The art and craft of postload preloads

Aug 27th, 2009

What can your tired old page, once loaded and used and read, can do for your user? It can preload components needed by the next page, so when the users visit the next page, they have the new scripts, styles and images already in the cache. Next page loads faster and the user’s happy. On […]


Content-to-markup ratio bookmarklet

Mar 5th, 2009

When you care about performance, or SEO (or just doing a good job as web dev) an interesting data point is the ratio of page content vs. the markup used to present this content. Or… how much crap we put in HTML in order to present what the users want to see – the content. […]