Feliz Navidad Merry Christmas 2009

Dec 25th, 2009

Disregarding my dear wife’s opinion that the best present to my blog readers would be to *not* publish my new recording…. I’ll just go ahead and do it: Feliz Navidad ’tis a heavy metal sort of cover of Jose Feliciano’s Feliz Navidad. I hope you like Iron Maiden and Helloween (there’s a special treat between […]


Help write the lyrics to “Give PNG a chance”

Sep 3rd, 2009

As you know yours truly is a guitar hero wannabe. So I’m playing with the idea of recording a song/video called “Give PiNG a Chance”, cover of “Give peace a chance”. Hopefully whoever hears it will then think twice before saving a GIF instead of PNG. Imagine. And the web will be as one… 😀 […]