Installing a bunch of PNG tools on the Mac

Jun 12th, 2009

This is one of those note-to-self type of posts. Just went through the exercise of installing a number of PNG tools on the Mac and here are some notes. The instructions below should probably work on any unix box. AdvDef, AdvPng, … There is a number of Adv* tools (advdef, advpng, advmng, advzip) packed together […]


Installing PHP and Apache on Mac OSX – that was (pretty) easy

Mar 7th, 2009

This posts is one of those “note to self” kinda posts. I just finished installing PHP and Apache on my Mac OS 10.5.6 and though I should document the experience should I (or you) need to do it again. It could already be there The default OS install came with goodies like ruby and php […]


Installing Rhino on Mac

Feb 20th, 2009

To quote Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users. Rhino allows you to use JavaScript: on the server-side, so you can ditch RoR, Perl, PH… well, keep PHP 🙂 … in favor of JavaScript on the command […]


Installing JPEGTRAN on a Mac or Unix/Linux

Jan 16th, 2009

JPEGtran is cool because it lets you optimize JPEG images losslessly by: Stripping meta data (meta is sometimes bulky and useless for web display) Optimizing Huffman tables or Convert a JPEG to progressive encoding From my experience 1 is more important than 2 or 3 and 3 gives better results than 2 for images over […]


Installing ExifTool on Dreamhost

Dec 23rd, 2008

ExifTool looks like a very promising tool to fiddle with all sorts of JPEG metadata (needed for but first I had to make sure I can install it on Dreamhost. Although installation didn’t go as described on the exiftool site (since I don’t have sudo access on Dreamhost), it’s still installable and it’s actually […]