Inline MHTML+Data URIs

Oct 3rd, 2010

MHTML and Data URIs in the same CSS file is totally doable and gives us nice support for IE6+ and all modern browsers. But the question is – what about inline styles. In other words can you have a single-request web application which bundles together markup, inline styles, inline scripts, inline images? With data URIs […]


IE9 and JPEG-XR: first impressions

Apr 5th, 2010

One of the new features in IE9 is the support for the JPEG-XR format, which reportedly has a better compression. Is it something we should dive into ASAP? JPEG-XR The wikipedia article is here. This format is developed and patented (red flag!) by Microsoft (yellow flag! 🙂 ), it replaces the suggested JPEG-2000 format and […]


Data URIs, MHTML and IE7/Win7/Vista blues

Dec 7th, 2009

2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved Dec 7 This is the seventh in the series of performance articles as part of my 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. Stay tuned for the next articles. UPDATE: While this post is an interesting study, the problem it solves turns out to be much simpler. […]


Browser’s implied globals

Oct 20th, 2009

Like it’s not bad enough that JavaScript has implied globals (forget var and you create a global), but the browsers have decided it’s a good idea to add more pollution to the global namespace. This has been a source of frustration before with IE, it’s really hard to understand the logic behind it, but it’s […]


MHTML – when you need data: URIs in IE7 and under

Apr 10th, 2009

UPDATE: It’s very important to have a closing separator in the MHTML document, otherwise there are known issues in IE7 on Vista or Windows 7. The details are here. In the previous post I described what data: URIs are and how they are useful to reduce the number of HTTP requests. Now, the problem with […]


Replace the Home button with a script

Mar 3rd, 2009

Robert Ames commented on my previous post suggesting replacing the Home button with my little site search bookmarklet. I didn’t even know this was possible, but I found it pretty cool, so I just had to try. x-browser I tried this in Firefox/Mac and IE/Windows and it works just fine. ok, what is it? Well, […]


Javascript console in IE

Oct 18th, 2008

I’m a sucker for consoles. The ability to quickly type some code and see it executed right then and there… priceless. That’s why I’m a huge fan of Firebug’s JavaScript console. But what about IE? option 1 – Firebug lite Firebug lite is a lighter version of the proper Firebug which runs in browsers other […]