cssmin.js in windows shell

Oct 29th, 2010

JavaScript can run virtually anywhere, including as a windows exe and the windows command line. Say you have a JavaScript function foo() function foo(input) { var output = input; // .. unicorns return output; } In order to make this a windows shell script you add at the and a way to read standard input […]


YUI CSS min – part 3 – hacks

May 21st, 2010

The previous parts are here (building and testing) and here (what gets minified). Now let’s see how YUI CSS min handles CSS hacks. As you know CSS hacks often use errors in CSS parsers in browsers to target specific browser versions and supply additional rules to work around other issues in said browsers. That makes […]


YUI CSS Min – part 2

May 20th, 2010

The first part is here. It was more about building the YUICompressor, writing and running test cases. Now let’s see what the compressor does exactly to your CSS. BTW, you can play with the web UI to see for yourself how the minifier works. Stripping comments and white space This is the bare minimum a […]


YUICompressor’s CSSMin

Mar 10th, 2010

Honored to be a part of the YUI project, I am now helping with the maintenance of the CSSMin part of the YUICompressor. My changes are now part of the trunk on github, so I’m official. Next on the agenda is documenting the thing, so that’s what I’ll try to do here, maybe in a […]