Today’s mail: a box full of … my book!

August 8th, 2008. Tagged: writing

Finally! The wait is over! After people have already managed to read the book, the chef d'oeuvre that is my Object-Oriented Javascript and some have published 5 star reviews on Amazon, the author finally gets his copies. Oh, happy day! 15 copies, yeey. I don't get to keep them all, because 10 are for my reviewers (since 9 of them are either here in LA of in SF bay area, I wanted to give them their copies and my thanks personally) and one, of course, goes to my parents (my parents are so careful with their copies of my books, they put them in protective transparent covers and so on 🙂 )



As you probably know, kids often have more fun with the wrapping than the gift itself. My kids are not an exception:



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