phpBB old topics locker

December 9th, 2005. Tagged: phpBB

I had this request to implement a feature on a phpBB board whereby topics older than one month to get deleted. A quick search on revealed a result - Auto Lock hack, but it had a disturbing note saying that it's not recommended for larger boards, although I couldn't figure out why. Anyway, the hack looked too involved, with DB changes, new Admin Panel options, etc., so I decided to hack something together quickly. Turned out to be pretty easy. Here' s the result.

The SQL query

UPDATE phpbb_posts AS p, phpbb_topics AS t
  SET t.topic_status = 1
WHERE p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
  AND t.topic_status = 0

Basically the logic is so simple that it can be done in one query. The topics table contains the id of the last post. I join the posts table to figure out the date/time of the last post. And if it's old enough, I set the topic status to 1 (locked).

I like the INTERVAL MySQL thing so I used it here, converting the Unix timestamps to human dates. It makes it much more easier to see at a glance that the period is one month and quickly change it afterwards if need be, without starting the old and tired calculation: "OK, 60 seconds times 60 minutes times 24 hours... Wait a sec! Is it seconds or milliseconds?"

The common.php

Instead of dealing with cron jobs, I decided to execute the query in common.php, a script that is always loaded on every page. I execute the query and send myself an email of something wrong happens.

$sql = 'UPDATE phpbb_posts AS p, phpbb_topics AS t
            SET t.topic_status = 1
        WHERE p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
            AND FROM_UNIXTIME(p.post_time) + INTERVAL 3 MONTH < NOW()
            AND t.topic_status = 0';
if (!$db->sql_query($sql))

          '[thesite] Locker',
          'Error while locking old topics',

A probabilistic touch

Now, executing this query is not necessary on every page load. So I added a touch of probability.

if (mt_rand(1, 10) == 5) { //chance one in ten to run
    // do the stuff

That means that this code has a chance one in ten of being executed on a page load. Even this is a bit high, but can always be changed to 1 in a 100 for example.


This was done only for internal purposes, not designed to be made available to the larger phpBB community. Otherwise it would be better if it doesn't hard-code the "phpbb_" table prefix, as well as the table names in general and the topic status value. Instead, phpBB constants must be used - like POSTS_TABLE, TOPICS_TABLE and TOPIC_LOCKED.

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