What, wait... why? --- Build web UIs DOM --- Love/hate DOM love --- Familiar Does the job DOM hate --- Browsers Wordy APIs Slow Apps --- Mutations React --- Jordan Walke Facebook/Instagram https://github.com/facebook/react React --- Virtual DOM Synthetic events Selling points --- Declarative Efficient Flexible Components --- --- React.renderComponent( MyWidget({type: "amazing"}), document.getElementById('app') ); --- React.renderComponent( MyWidget({type:"awesome"}, PrettyHead({title:"hello"}), Body(null, React.DOM.p(null, React.DOM.span(null, "Content")) ) ), document.getElementById('app') ); JSX --- --- /** @jsx React.DOM */ React.renderComponent(


, document.getElementById('app') ); JSX-to-JS transform --- Build On-the-fly --- react
src/hello.js --- /** @jsx React.DOM */ React.renderComponent(

Hello world!

, document.getElementById('app') ); --- # prerequisite # npm install -g react-tools jsx /scr /build # continuously jsx --watch /src /build watch "jsx /src /build" build/hello.js --- /** @jsx React.DOM */ React.renderComponent( React.DOM.h1(null, "Hello world!"), document.getElementById('app') ); On-the-fly --- --- react
--- React.renderComponent(


, document.getElementById('app') ); --- React.renderComponent( , document.getElementById('slideshow') ); --- var Slide = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (


); } }); --- var List = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {items: this.props.items}; }, render: function() { return (
); } }); --- preview: false, handleChange: function (e) { var items = this.state.items; this.preview ? items[items.length - 1] = e.target.value : items.push(e.target.value); this.setState({items: items}); this.preview = true; }, handleSubmit: function (e) { this.preview = false; this.refs.input.getDOMNode().value = ''; return false; }, DOM mutations --- Diffs in JS-land One shot updates, where necessary Inheritance? --- Composition Mixins --- --- var bagofstuff = { foo: function () {} bar: "high" }; var Compo = React.createClass({ mixins: [bagofstuff, another], // mix-in }); Events --- Work like they should e.target bubbling, capturing phases Delegation Virtual DOM ++ --- JS-land Server-side WebWorkers JS UI -- Content vs behavior? No more node-hunting Or verbose series of createNode/appendChild