Archive for the 'ydn' Category

YSlow 2.0: the first sketches

Jun 11th, 2011

#4 This post is part of the Velocity countdown series. Stay tuned for the articles to come. I’m working on tomorrow’s kind of big thing, so will take it easy today, with a stroll down memory lane. I was clearing up my space at home few days ago and came across this oldish notepad. In […]


Collecting web data with a faster, free server

Dec 8th, 2009

2010 update: Lo, the Web Performance Advent Calendar hath moved Dec 8 This article is part of the 2009 performance advent calendar experiment. This is also the first ever guest post to this blog. Please welcome the world-famous Christian Heilmann! And stay tuned for the next articles. Chris Heilmann is a self confessed data junkie […]


Yahoo Music API

Aug 7th, 2008

This was meant to be a longer posts with examples and such, but Jim Bumgardner said it and coded it better than I could 🙂 He’s been with Y!Music way longer than me and has done way cooler stuff. As a front-end engineer for Yahoo! Music, I’ve always thought it would great if the web […]


My online footprint lately

Jul 23rd, 2008

This is a sort of a catch-up post for listing what I’ve been up to lately. YUI Blog just published my first article, I’m so proud. It’s about loading JavaScript in non-blocking fashion, because JavaScripts, they, you know, like, block downloads. Luckily, there’s an easy fix – DOM includes, which I’ve previously discussed, discussed and […]


Simultaneuos HTTP requests in PHP with cURL

Feb 19th, 2008

The basic idea of a Web 2.0-style “mashup” is that you consume data from several services, often from different providers and combine them in interesting ways. This means you often need to do more than one HTTP request to a service or services. In PHP if you use something like file_get_contents() this means all the […]